A colletion of cloud services useful for making a full stack developers job easier.
Auth0 is an authentication and authorization provider as a service.
AWS or Amazon Web Services is the largest cloud provider and provide a large array of services.
Cloudfront is a global content delivery network (CDN) useful for delivering content such as javascript, html, css or videos.
Docker allows you to run your applications in individual containers that you can build, share and run anywhere.
A static site generator for React that is blazingly fast. Useful for websites that are not dynamically changing- such as a blog. (Like this one!)
A git repository for storing all your code.
GraphCMS is Content Management Platform built from the ground up with GraphQL in mind.
A query language for your api.
JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language used alongside HTML and CSS to give functionality to web pages.
Less is a language extension for CSS. It can do everything CSS can an more like nesting, variables and mixins.
Authentication for Next.js
A React.js framework for easily creating server side web applications.
Zeit Now is a serverless deployment tool to put your website up in an AWS lambda function.
Prisma is an ORM replacement which makes writing backend graphQL servers a breeze.
RDS is a managed database service provided by AWS that handles backups, monitoring, and scaling.
React is an open source JavaScript library used for designing user interfaces.
Route 53 is a scalable and available DNS service provided by AWS.
AWS S3 is highly reliable file storage that is continuously backed up and cheap. Useful for storing assets for web pages.
A positively delightful way to write your CSS with javascript template literals.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.